Friday, December 11, 2009

Where are we now??

A very insightful analysis of human evolution, by Peter Joseph

Peter Joseph: "Where are we going?" Nov. 15th '09 1/2 from peter joseph on Vimeo.

Part 2

Peter Joseph: "Where are we going?" Nov. 15th '09 | 2/2 from peter joseph on Vimeo.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

The Lawful Rebellion - A Repost from Forums

The following is a repost from The Zeitgeist Movement Forums. I reposted because I believe it's SO important to know your rights. The original thread can be found here


The Lawful Rebellion is a world-wide movement, among men and women in commonwealth nations (usually founded on or using a democratic system). This includes United States, Australia, Canada, UK, Holland, New Zealand, and more. This movement is about the understanding of our natural law, the illusion between yourself and your government and country, and the act of being sovereign. There is an extraordinarily large amount of information on the internet and if you look hard enough you will find it. WARNING. None of the following is legal advice, and I am not a lawyer, judge, court official, citizen, nor even a person. If you want to talk further, my aim is revolv3r777. Taking serious action in any of the following ideas requires dedication, a high level of intelligence, courage in your action, and love for fellow man. If your basic principles aren't followed and your foundation is weak - you can fall, and fall hard. Don't mess it up. Help re-instill peace in a world of slavery.

-Brendan Matthew

The Sovereignty you Probably Don't Have

There is a large difference between real freedom and being a citizen of any "freedom loving" country. Let's define freedom.

"Freedom". The ability for a human being to do any activity he or she may desire, that does not harm others or cause loss, or breach the peace, without fear of consequence and prosecution.

Is that what you have? Really?

So tell me, why can someone go to jail for being in posession of a natural plant? Why can someone go to jail for not wearing a seatbelt? Why can someone be fined for running a stop sign, even when there are no cars in sight? Why can someone be fined for crossing a street? (j walking)

That does not sound like freedom to me. Sounds like the place I live, America, where there are millions of little regulations, restrictions, codes, orders, governing nearly our every action. Understand that you are not free until you free yourself. Your country is not going to give it to you, you must find it.

Remember who you are, who you were before you joined this big society. You were a simple child of God, brought into this planet, a simple child on the land, no contracts, numbers, restrictions, codes, files, just a human being. You have natural, God-given rights, the same as any other human. These rights are unalienable, because everyone is equal under God. Every human being has a fundamental right to life, to freedom, to peace, to travel on this land without fee or hinderance, and to use his/her own property without fee or regulation. These are your rights, and the law is to protect them and their inverse. If anyone intends to alienate these rights, they are guilty of the ultimate offense under God.

Here's the trouble. Not long after you were born, you were placed into a society. Let's define Society real quick.

"Society". A group of people formed by mutual consent, to deliberate and act for a common purpose.

Do you remember giving your consent to join?

So you see, all of these rules of society are rules because that consent has been given for you. They are only rules for the people in that society. For example, we can't make marijuana illegal in the U.S. and expect people in Amsterdam to follow that statute. In order to access your freedom, you must go back to what you were before your birth certificate was made. You must revoke your consent to be in this society, and choose to handle your own affairs.

Your birth certificate creates a person. It is not the record of simply you as a human being brought into this planet, but record of a creation of a legal, corporate entity. This is your name in all-caps, it is called your STRAWMAN. Take a look on your drivers license, your birth certificate, social security or social insurance card, nearly any government document. You'll see your name in all caps. That is not you, there is a large significance in the use for all capital letters. It is deliberate. All titles and all capitalizing of your name are fiction. When you were born, you were given a name, but you weren't called mister. People called your name, they did not scream it at you constantly. (joke) The reason the government creates this for you is because the government is a corporation. Need proof of that insane concept?

"By the way, for all you US people...

What you see at the top is the CORPORATION of the Internal Revenue Service. (the infamous IRS)

You then see many CORPORATIONS known as the SUPREME COURTS OF THIS LAND!!!!

You then see the CORPORATION of the Central Intelligence Agency!!!!!! CIA!!!!

You then see the CORPORATION, what we thought was our home, our land, our nation, the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

I looked all of these up myself. "

In order for a corporation to deal with you, it must create a legal person that you represent. A fiction cannot act on a human being, because a human being is a real, physical thing. A fiction can only act upon another fiction. Corporations and companies are fictions, they are entities in commerce, they are not actual physical things on the planet. So again, they cannot deal with you as a human being.

A "Freeman-on-the-Land" is someone who lawfully revokes or denies consent to be governed and therefore exists completely free of all statutory obligations, restraints, and restrictions.

When you distinguish between yourself and your person, you can become the actual owner of that person to operate in commerce with it (and be much more successful considering you dictate all of the actions) or you can destroy the legal person altogether. Either way, you as a human being can act upon your own society, as long as you abide by the common, natural law. You cannot be taxed, arrested, regulated, controlled, or forced to do anything you do not give consent to. Know who you are.

Claiming Sovereignty

To claim your sovereignty, there is a checklist you need to complete.

1.) Research, research, research! Get an unfaltering foundation, so you don't get yourself in trouble.

2.) Practice your knowledge, defend your rights

3.) Gain an ultimate appreciation for others and your surroundings

4.) Send in a Notice of Understanding and Intent, and a Claim of Right. Include a cover letter if you wish.

Notice of Understanding and Intent and Claim of Right

These are important and powerful documents. The NOUI informs the addressed party with all of your perceived facts and your intentions, and the CoR establishes your stated rights. Everything you claim and understand must be under common law. If you send in these documents, you will be giving them a certain reasonable amount of time to respond. If they do not respond, there is a default judgement, called Estoppel by Acquiescence. This means there is a silent agreement to everything you have just given them. If you receive no word back, everything you just stated is now law, and anyone imposing on that is breaking the law.

After you take the steps to declare yourself a Freeman-on-the-Land, come back and help others. Keep furthering your community and your fellow man and help peace return to this chaotic society. It's something the world needs in times of such despair. Know who you are, give your love and live in peace.


Let's get started, shall we?

Some important videos to begin your foundation: - 45ish min. long inspiring lecture on the illusion, and the reason to see past it. - Another video from the same conference. ^ - Robert Menard's beginner video on the illusion and the Freemen-on-the-Land

The Magnificent Deception - A more advanced Robert Menard video. Will not link because the Google video version freezes up. Search around, it's an excellent video. - Robert Menard's very cunning plan. A video about his plan to create a world-wide society of free men and women.

If you need any more help understanding the foundation, simply put "Freeman on the Land" into the Youtube search and watch away.

Irene - Choosing Freedom -

Commerce and the study of the law - "The truth is... we live in a very complicated commercial world. A world so misunderstood and confusing, it's easy for people to get into trouble without knowing how or why. My goal is to help folks understand how commerce really works, so that they have the knowledge and the confidence to safely navigate through the commercial maze."

Knowing the Constitution - Great videos thank you Sovereign.

- The Articles of Federation

General research

The commerce game -

Redeeming the Straw Man

Quit Social Security and Rescind the Socialist Security Number

Understanding Jurisdiction

Uniform Commercial Code - An excellent 30 min conversation between some Freemen-on-the-Land, great examples of what to do in real life situations.

Some example NOUI and CORs

Jackie G.'s NOUI and COR and other documents including one to the chief of police

You can find many more if you look.

Your birth certificate bond:

Right of Self Determination

The Real Law in Action

Important video!

Watch this YouTube playlist. A must see.;limitstart=20#63814

Some good PDF books to read:

Acceptance for Value -

Mary Croft's excellent book -

George Mercier's "Invisible Contracts" - - An excellent website to help others from the Zeitgeist movement forums participate in the Lawful Rebellion. Invite anybody to join, the idea is to do this together. Videos, articles, and links are constantly updated here and is an excellent source of info and community.

The Zeitgeist Freemen-on-the-Land wiki: - A goldmine of information.

World Freeman Society wiki (being updated)

Isn't this just LOVELY!

3.5 MILLION tons of garbage. Most of it is plastic which will NEVER be biodegrade. To make things worse, fish and birds are eating this crap, which means WE'RE eating it!

You can't blame the powers that be for this "little mishap." No no no... This is there intention! In this misguided system we live in, businesses will continue to cut corners for profit. Products today are produced, in bulk, as cheaply as possible from the most toxic chemicals to grace this good earth, only so they can break within a year to spar another purchase. This isn't some urban legend, people. It exists, and it's called


You think HP would still be in business if their laptops lasted 10 to 15 years? HA!!
It's the waste of these products that keep the consumption cycle going

I mean, let's just analyze the FUNCTION of profit:

Profit = Revenue - Cost

TADAAAAA!! What business in the right mind wouldn't want to minimize costs to increase revenue?

Planned Obsolescence is just the start. As businesses continue to cut back, they're also going to start to automate. Lost your job to a robot lately? Technology is a great way to cut back on labor costs!

But that's a topic for another day...

Look, I really can't express a specific solution to our growing waste problem. We're producing 17-20 tonnes of garbage A DAY! Let's chart this mofo...


As long as we're in the system, we're going to have to deal with the waste of the system. What we need is a new attitude toward our waste system. A new way to manage and recycle all of earth's wastes. But this can only go so far, for businesses will continue to cut back on costs with their cheap materials. So, in the meantime I can just draw a tear...

My heart goes out to you, Mr. crying Indian.

Scientist of the Week: Carl Sagan

I would just like to take a moment and reminisce on a super-genius and all around swell guy, Dr. Carl Sagan.

NOT a sex offender

This guy is known for a ton of things - Astronomy, Physics, Biology, his many publications, blah blah blah. I came to know him through his retro TV show "Cosmos" in which Sagan spent time philosophizing on life, nature, and the universe while simultaneously taking his viewers on an acid trip-like experience on his imaginary spaceship. True, his voice kind of sounds like a sex offender, and even at his best he's still kind of hard to look at...
Case and point:

A more "studly" Dr. Sagan

But Carl Sagan saw the world from a different perspective - or the universe, rather. He never denied being an Athiest, and pursued science as a means of spirituality. He understood the complete magnificence of something as large as a supernova down to the nucleus of an atom. Most importantly, he understood the symbiotic connection of life on this planet.

So go pick up his "Cosmos" DVDs, they are absolutely fantastic. LINK@!!!!!!!!!!

"How is it that hardly any major religion has looked at science and concluded, 'This is better than we thought! The Universe is much bigger than our prophets said, grander, more subtle, more elegant'? Instead they say, 'No, no, no! My god is a little god, and I want him to stay that way.' A religion, old or new, that stressed the magnificence of the Universe as revealed by modern science might be able to draw forth reserves of reverence and awe hardly tapped by the conventional faiths."
-Carl Sagan

A Perfect Summary for an Imperfect World

Yes, Ned Beatty will actually hit you with some knowledge...

Ready, Set, LIVE!!

We are in such a competitive world. We compete for status, grades, looks, food, territory, bureaucratic positions, friendships, sports, and the front of the lunch line.
We do this because of the systems, or institutions, we were raised and bound by.
For example, America holds the values of "freedom," free market, and the concept that everyone has a "voice." And everyone in that institution gets to use those values. Other institutions (other countries) have their own similar values that they were raised by. They have their form of government, beliefs, and culture - and that's the one they will stick by. When one institution brings their values to another institution, this creates conflict, competition, and war.

Furthermore, business and corporate institutions follow this same pattern. They compete with each other, keeping their own values intact. When they face conflict from other institutions, they try to force their value system on society.

If shoe salesman A was selling shoes for $10, and salesman B comes along and sells their own shoes for $8, the first salesman's system is compromised. As a result, the salesman A fires 3 employees so he can sell his shoes for $7. In response, Salesman B fires all of his employees, invests in machinery for automation, and outsources his shoe materials from Mexico, allowing him to sell his shoes for $4. It's a vicious cycle of compromised values, and we're seeing it on a global scale.

Why do we compete as a society? We have the technology to bring clean, renewable energy to everyone in the world, to house every single person, to bring food and shelter to the entire world. The answer is simple: Scarcity. Scarce resources are the reason why we have to compete to survive, why we work 9-5 jobs just to put food on our table and gas in our car. With the possibility of losing those resources which require us to live, people will compete, fight, and undercut each other no matter what. In other words, achieve maximum profitability within your institution, regardless of the social or economic costs. This works for business, political, religious, and any other institution in the world.
The fuel in this equation is the dollar. Without money, we don’t have access to resources. And as institutions, we have a set value system in place to acquire these resources. America values the Free Enterprise System, in which private citizens of the institution are essentially profit seeking and operate through a market economy in which competition is encouraged. Cuba uses socialism to try and control their resources (and, well, we know how that worked out).

The DOLLAR has become the means for existence. The DOLLAR has become the reason why people steal food to eat, and why Exxon buys the energy patents for the electric vehicle to continue profitability. The DOLLAR is the reason why our Government spends $500,000,000,000 (look it up) on the Department of Defense to control oil in the Middle East, and only $2,900,000,000 on Coronary Heart Disease research, which kills 450,000 people a year.

The DOLLAR has consumed us.

It has become the way we are and the way we operate. It drives us to undercut each other, and to plot and strategize against each other. It creates war, famine, poverty, and power.

There is no race, gender, or ethnicity in the big world picture. The only social classes now are the rich, the middle class and the poor. Money brings power, and the concept of life has become nothing more than a vicious, competitive game. This is why 1% of the population owns 40% of the world’s wealth, where 34,000 children die every day from poverty and preventable diseases because their country cannot compete with our dominating nation and its World Bank supporters. This is also why of the world’s top 100 economies (based on GDP), 51 are corporations; 47 of which are US based. Walmart, GM, and Exxon are more economically powerful than Saudi Arabia, Poland, Norway, Indonesia, and others.

Now what if we, in some imaginary world, got rid of the dollar? Imagine a society where we utilized our entire earth’s resources to bring food, clothing and shelter to everyone. Where clean and efficient energy using wind, solar, and geothermal replaced crude oil. Where instead of worrying about the “costs,” we can focus on solutions to problems that are killing humans every day. We have to think outside of the monetary box to do that. Believe it or not, we are technologically advanced to be more than capable of doing this. We don’t because of our institutionalized mindset that the world operates around money and not around the people.

It’s all about letting go of those institutions that bind us, and focusing on the bigger picture. A world free of poverty, sickness, and greed. A world united, not divided. That is my institution. But in order to achieve this, we need to unite in a way that surpasses all governments, rulers, teachers, societies, cultures and philosophies. Unite with unconditional love, and we will be free.

“Freedom and love go together. Love is not a reaction. If I love you because you love me, that is mere trade, a thing to be bought in the market; it is not love. To love is not to ask anything in return, not even to feel that you are giving something- and it is only such love that can know freedom.”
– Jiddu Krishnamurti

Check out Zeitgeist: Addendum at

You'll totally understand!!